Have an enjoyable, and safe, Independence Day


St. Joseph Post

Even as you keep fireworks safety in mind, other safety
measures will make for an enjoyable Independence Day celebration.

American Red Cross spokeswoman Angie Springs says a little
time in preparation can make for a safe and fun 4th.

“So, the little things that we can do to hopefully make it
that much more enjoyable,” Springs tells KFEQ/St. Joseph Post. “Again, we all
enjoy watching fireworks in the sky, watching those big nighttime displays. We
just want to make sure everyone is safe, because again this is a holiday to be
celebrated, not one that you’re then having to deal with an emergency.”

Many like to hit the lake, the river, or the pool during these
summer days.

Springs says it’s vitally important to keep an eye on the children.

“Want to make sure that they are supervised in or near that
water. Make sure that you’re paying attention to them,” Springs says. “So, put
your phones down, keep your eyes on the water, make sure that those young
children have proper floatation devises. So, those lifejackets, make sure that they
are being safe when they’re in and around that water.”

The simple act of paying attention pays big dividends.

“It’s those little things that we can do during this holiday
season to help keep everyone safe,” according to Springs. “We want everyone to
have a great time and, again, its America’s holiday, you want to be out on the
water, you want to be enjoying those fireworks. But the more that we can keep
in mind those safety tips, the better off we’re going be. So just make sure
that you’re aware at all times.”

Springs advises to keep an eye on the weather and to get out
of the water and get inside at the first sign of lightning. Keep hydrated on
hot summer days by drinking plenty of water and limiting alcohol.

Other safety tips from the American Red Cross include:

SAFETY The safest way to
enjoy fireworks is to attend a public firework show put on by professionals.
Many states outlaw most fireworks, especially in dry climates prone to forest
fires. Consider celebrating with glow sticks, noise makers or silly string
instead. If you are setting fireworks off at home, follow these safety steps:

  • Never give fireworks to small children,
    and never throw or point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles,
    structures or flammable materials.
  • Always follow the instructions on the
  • Keep a supply of water close by as a
  • Make sure the person lighting fireworks
    always wears eye protection.
  • Light only one firework at a time and
    never attempt to relight “a dud.”
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away
    from children and pets.

WATER SAFETY Children and adults should learn to swim so
they at least achieve the skills of water competency: be able to enter the water, get a breath,
stay afloat, change position, swim a distance and  get out of the water
safely. Whether swimming in a pool, at the beach or visiting a waterpark,
always swim in an area where lifeguards are on duty.

  • Watch the weather and get out at the first
    sign of lightning or rumble of thunder. Stay indoors and away from water
    for 30 minutes after the last lightning flashes or thunder roars.
  • Provide close and constant attention to
    children you are supervising in or near water.
  • Fence pools and spas with adequate
    barriers, including four-sided fencing.
  • Children, inexperienced swimmers, and all
    boaters should wear properly fitted U.S. Coast Guard-approved life

BEACH SAFETY If you plan to swim in the ocean, a lake or
river, be aware that swimming in these environments is different than swimming
in a pool. Be sure you have the skills for these environments.

  • Make sure you swim sober and that you
    always swim with a buddy. Know your limitations and make sure you have
    enough energy to swim back to shore.
  • Protect your neck — don’t dive headfirst.
    Walk carefully into open waters. Watch out for and avoid aquatic life.
  • If you are caught in a rip current, try
    not to panic. Signal to those on shore that you need assistance. Swim
    parallel to the shore until you are out of the current. Once you are free,
    swim toward shore. If you can’t swim to the shore, float or tread water
    until you are free of the rip current and then head toward shore.

SAFETY Wear protective
clothing, including a hat and some kind of cover-up for when you’ve had enough
sun. Use sunscreen before leaving home and reapply during the day.

  • Parents — keep an eye on the kids. If they
    can’t swim or are less than four feet tall, have them wear a U.S. Coast
    Guard approved life jacket.
  • Signal a lifeguard if you see someone is
    in trouble. Yell if you need to grab attention, but don’t go in after the
    person yourself.
  • Set up a meeting place in case someone
    gets separated from your group. Use the buddy system to make sure no child
    is alone.

You can follow Brent on X @GBrentKFEQ and St. Joseph Post @StJosephPost.

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