Grassley, Ernst seek federal briefing on Iowa woman missing in Mexico

(Radio Iowa) – Iowa’s United States Senators are asking the U-S Ambassador to Mexico for regular updates on an Iowa woman who went missing in Mexico nearly a month ago.

The family of 51-year-old Chris Leguisano of Des Moines reported her missing on August 8th and they believe she was kidnapped in Reynosa, a city that’s less than four miles from the border crossing at Hidalgo, Texas. Iowa Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley say the U-S cannot and will not tolerate the assault of its citizens while traveling abroad — and they’re asking federal officials for a briefing on her case.

Leguisano’s son told Channel 5 T-V in Des Moines that his mother was delivering a truck to her ex-brother-in-law when she was kidnapped and he’s been getting threatening messages asking for money.

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