St. Joseph Post
The way veterans sign in online to check on benefits, prescriptions, and appointments is changing this year.
Communications Chief for the VA Eastern Kansas Healthcare system Brian Stephens says previously veterans were able to sign in through various websites, some less secure than others
“All the VA is requiring veterans to go in and make accounts through either of the two options, and from there they’re guaranteed a more secure connection to their information, either the login.gov option or the id.me option,” Stephens tells KFEQ/St. Joseph Post.
Stephens says to file, veterans must go online and fill out forms, and take a picture of the front and back of their photo ID.
However, Stephens says with the photos of the ID is where some veterans run into a problem
“What we’re seeing is a lot of veterans are having problems, if you have a Kansas ID for example, there’s a hologram that’s designed to deter criminals from taking a picture and stealing your identity,” Stephens explains. “Well, that same safety feature causes problems for veterans who are trying to verify their identity through this process.”
Stephens says this change is solely for security, and isn’t impacting veterans receiving benefits
“This is just access to electronic health records or communication methods or to check on their benefits or apply for benefits they would need this sign in, but it does not change their ability to receive those benefits,” Stephens says.
Stephens says if you run into a problem setting up your accounts you can go in person to the VA offices in Leavenworth. You can also attend in person workshops around the region.
The next closest workshop is on February 21st in Platte City.
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