Gov. Kehoe appoints 2 more to MWSU Board of Governors


St. Joseph Post

Gov. Mike Kehoe has appointed two more members of the Missouri Western State University Board of Governors.

Kehoe has appointed Scott Albers of Country Club to the board.

Albers is the president of Public Refrigerated Warehousing at Nor-Am Cold Storage and has served in leadership roles at the company since 2009. Albers serves on the board of the Global Cold Chain Alliance and previously held roles with the Greater St. Joseph United Way and the St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce.

Albers earned a Bachelor of Arts in Finance from the University of Northern Iowa and a Master of Business Administration from the UCLA Anderson School of Business.

Kehoe also appointed Todd Michalski of St. Joseph to the Missouri Western Board of Governors.

Michalski is the senior vice president of sales and marketing at Gray Manufacturing Company. He serves as a board member for the Missouri Western State University Foundation and the Automotive Lift Institute.

Michalski is an alumnus of Missouri Western. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and minor in Marketing and Management from MWSU.

Kehoe earlier appointed Bill Severn to the MWSU Board of Governors.

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