St. Joseph Post
Yet another major winter storm is set to hit the area tonight (Tues) into tomorrow morning (Wed.).
The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning between 9pm tonight until 5am tomorrow morning.
Senior Meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Pleasant Hill Chris Bowman says the most dangerous part of this storm will be the heavy winds.
“We might see some dangerous wind gusts of 60 to 70 miles per hour with this really powerful storm system,” Bowman tells KFEQ/St. Joseph Post. “The secondary thing is the snow fall, and up there it looks like you could get several inches of snow.”
Bowman says with those high winds and blowing snow will come reduced visibility
“Near whiteout conditions with falling and blowing snow, so people on interstates that’s going to be problematic for people driving and not being able to see very far,” Bowman explains. “One of the criteria for a blizzard is visibility less than a quarter mile, and that’s in the realm of possibility with this system.”
Bowman advises that if anyone is traveling and gets stuck in this storm, slow down and increase your driving distance to avoid any accidents.
Bowman says blizzard warnings like this are not super frequent
“Every four to six years you might get a storm that strong,” Bowman says. “For this particular system, I’ve been in the Kansas City office since 2009, and I can’t remember a system as strong as this one producing the magnitude of winds for as long as we have forecast.”
The National Weather Service is projecting around one to three inches of snow to fall during this storm.