St. Joseph Post
For another year, the St. Joseph Convention and Visitors Bureau is bringing back the Show Me St. Jo Experience.
During the event, a guided bus tour will take people around St. Joseph, to many of the museums, while teaching some of the history of the city.
Spokesman Christian Mengel says the bus tour is great for anyone, whether you’re from St. Joseph and have been to the museums or are from out of town.
“You’re going to see something that you want to come back to that maybe you’ve not been before, or if you have been before but maybe it’s been a few years,” Mengel tells Barry Birr, host of the KFEQ Hotline. “I want to say all of our museums, and all of our attractions we end up going to on this, they all have something new within the last five years, and most of them new within the last one to two years, so you can still get a lot from it even if you are a frequent museum goer.”
Mengel says the event is great for groups and also families
“You just get shuttled around and told a lot of history, we cover your lunch we cater in for you and that’s included in your ticket, you get a shirt at the end of the day, a t shirt St. Joseph branded,” Mengle says. “And also, because we throw so many tourism things at you, you also get a certificate signed by the mayor as an advocate for St. Joseph.”
Mengel says this event has been very popular with people.
“In the three years that I’ve been a part of it I want to say our lowest score, because they can fill out a survey at the end, and I want to say the lowest score was like an eight, and we’ve only had one or two eight’s, everybody else’s are nines and tens,” Mengel explains. “And the reason for the eight, was that we didn’t spend enough time at some of the places.”
The first event is coming up during Memorial Day weekend on May 27th. The cost to participate is $25 per person.
You can follow Matt on X @KfeqMatt and St. Joseph Post @StJosephPost.