Patee House – Jesse James museums seek volunteers

The Patee House/file photo


St. Joseph Post

Volunteers are being sought to bring a big part of St. Joseph history to life.

The Patee House Museum and the Jesse James Home are looking for volunteers. Officials with the museums say just a few hours a week can make a difference, not just to preserve the past, but to ensure the future.

“We rely on dedicated volunteers to keep these historic sites open and engaging for visitors,” Patee House Museum & Jesse James Home Board President, Liby Waltemath, said in a written statement. “It’s a rewarding way to give back and share our town’s incredible history.”

Volunteers will greet guests, share stories, and assist with museum operations. No prior experience is necessary. The museums say the only qualification they require are an interest in history and community service.

The Patee House Museum is located at 202 Penn Street in St. Joseph. Click HERE for more.

Jesse James Home/file photo
Jesse James Home/file photo

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