Graves wants current Congress to deal with spending issue


St. Joseph Post

Northern Missouri Congressman Sam Graves doesn’t believe there
is going to be a federal government shutdown at the end of this month, though
he doesn’t want to see the budget battle pushed off on the new Congress.

Graves, a Republican, sees the House, which is controlled by
Republicans, and the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats, reaching an
agreement over the next few days.

“I don’t think there’s any real appetite for a government
shutdown on either side of the aisle,” Graves tells KFEQ/St. Joseph Post. “I
think we will get our spending bills done. But that’s always risky,
particularly when we have a very narrow margin like we have now, because it
takes a few people to shut the process down if the two parties can’t get along.
So, I think we’ll see an agreement between Democrats and Republicans.”

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, floated a proposal
that would have extended current funding levels for six months, letting the
next Congress deal with the issue. The proposal failed with 220 voting against
and 202 voting in favor. Opponents objected to adding a provision added to the
spending measure that would require proof of citizenship when registering to

Graves says he’s willing to go along with Johnson’s proposal
to extend current spending to March, but would rather the issue be decided by
this Congress.

“I would rather it were done; not wait for the next Congress,
because you don’t know what that is going to look like,” Graves says. “I would
rather have a shorter-term CR (continuing resolution).”

The timeframe Graves favors would extend current federal
spending only a couple of months.

“I would like to see it, personally, at the end of November,
first of December,” Graves says.

But why?

“Because it gives us an opportunity to do something before the
end of the year, before the new Congress sits.”

You can follow Brent on X @GBrentKFEQ and St. Joseph Post @StJosephPost.

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