No measles outbreaks in Iowa yet, expert calls vaccines solid

(Radio Iowa) – Cases of measles are being reported in a dozen states, with outbreaks in Texas and New Mexico.

So far, there are no outbreaks reported in Iowa — or in any Midwestern state — but that could quickly change. Megan Meller, an infection preventionist with Gundersen Health, says measles is an airborne, extremely infectious, and potentially-severe rash illness and most of the cases are in populations of people who are unvaccinated. Meller says measles is very preventable, and while the shot protects you, it also protects others who may be immunocompromised.

Before the vaccine came out in the early 1960s, measles caused some 48-thousand people in the U-S to be hospitalized, and up to 500 deaths each year.

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